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YAC to Squeeze: About

YAC to Squeeze is a package that will display Caller ID information on your Logitech Squeezebox music player.

In order to make use of this package, you should already have YAC and the Logitech Media Server software already installed and operating correctly.

What is YAC? It is a free Caller ID client/server program for Windows. You install a YAC "server" on one Windows machine that has a Caller ID-capable modem. You can then install a YAC "client" on your other Windows computers or even on your network-enabled TiVo. When the YAC server gets Caller ID information from its modem, it will send out that information to the YAC clients.

What is a Squeezebox music player? It is simply the best way to listen to your digital music collection on your home stereo equipment. The Squeezebox hardware connects to your network and it plays songs streamed to it from a computer running the Logitech Media Server software. The player hardware has a nice, bright display to show song details. This display also works great for showing Caller ID information, which is why I developed this package.

Contents and Installation Instructions

Relevant URLs:

Contents of the download package:

Readme.txt These instructions
yac.exe Recompiled YAC executable
yac-x64.exe Recompiled YAC 64-bit executable
yac.reg Sample Registry settings to enable Yac2Squeeze and YacLogViewer
Yac2Squeeze.exe Sends the Caller ID info to the Logitech Media Server
Yac2Squeeze.reg Sample Registry settings for Yac2Squeeze
YacLogViewer.exe Displays the YAC Call Log in a more readable format
yac-src\ Contains a diff file showing the changes I made to the YAC source (based on 0.16 source)
Yac2Squeeze-src\ Delphi 2010 source code for Yac2Squeeze
YacLogViewer-src\ Delphi 2010 source code for YacLogViewer


These instructions assume you have YAC and the Logitech Media Server software already installed and operating correctly.

  1. Close YAC if it is running.
  2. Replace the YAC executable (yac.exe) on your system with the one included in this package.
    • If you are using the 64-bit version of YAC, use the yac-x64.exe file, but rename it to yac.exe.
  3. Restart YAC.
  4. Place the Yac2Squeeze.exe and YacLogViewer.exe in a folder on your system. The YAC program folder works well, but it can be any folder.
  5. Edit the Registry files to suit your system and import them into your Registry. (See section below for more information on the Registry settings.)
    • The only required Registry entry is "RunProgram" - other values are not needed unless you are not satisfied with the defaults shown below.

Now when YAC detects a call, it will notify the listeners like normal. It will then check for a "RunProgram" Registry entry. If the entry is present, YAC runs the specified program with the Caller ID info as a command line parameter.

Yac2Squeeze.exe takes the Caller ID information and then instructs the Logitech Media Server to display it on your Squeezebox devices.

If you have set up the "LogViewer" Registry entry and pointed it to YacLogViewer.exe, YAC will run this program to display the call log instead of simply opening the log file in Notepad.

Registry Entries:

** All values mentioned below should use the REG_SZ (string) type.


RunProgram The full path and filename of the Yac2Squeeze executable.
LogViewer The full path and filename of the YacLogViewer executable. YAC will run this program to display the call log instead of simply opening the log file in Notepad.

(64-bit systems use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Yac2Squeeze)

Server The IP address or hostname of the Logitech Media Server. (NOT the Squeezebox player!)
Default value: "localhost"
ServerPort The TCP port of the Logitech Media Server command line interface.
Default value: "9090"
ServerUser Logitech Media Server username (if security is enabled).
Default value: (none)
ServerPass Logitech Media Server password (if security is enabled).
Default value: (none)
BannerCall String to display on the top line of the Squeezebox player when displaying Caller ID information.
Default value: "********* THE PHONE IS RINGING *********"
BannerMsg String to display on the top line of the Squeezebox player when receiving a message sent using YAC's "Send Text Message" feature.
Default value: "*********** INCOMING MESSAGE ***********"
Brightness Display brightness level when Caller ID information is being displayed. Allowed brightness values are "1" through "4" in order of increasing brightness. Set to "0" to not change player brightness.
Default value: "0"
Display The number of seconds to display Caller ID information on the Squeezebox player.
Default value: "30"
Pause The number of seconds to pause the Squeezebox player when a phone call comes in. Set to "-1" to pause indefinitely. Set to "0" to not pause.
Default value: "-1"
ShowError Display a dialog if Yac2Squeeze.exe detects an error. Set to "False" ("0") to not display an error. The error is still recorded in the debug log regardless of this setting.
Default value: "True" ("-1")
Copyright © 2025 by Savard Software of Tri-Cities, Washington, USA
This page was last modified 2/27/2012 8:32:28 PM