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Register Online

Register online using your credit card or PayPal and you'll receive your registration code via e-mail the same or the next business day.

Secure Online Registration Form
Use this form to pay using credit card or PayPal.

Register Through the Mail

While only credit cards or PayPal can be used to register online, you may use a check, money order, or credit card to register through the mail. To register through the mail, simply fill out the registration form included with the Savard Software product you wish to register.

You can print out the registration form by clicking on the Registration Form button which appears on the startup screen of our products (see image to the right).

You will receive your registration code via e-mail (if you provided an e-mail address) or through postal mail as soon as your registration is received and processed.

Pricing Schedule

Your price will be calculated automatically when registering online or using our software's built-in registration form. Note that our products use a multi-tiered pricing structure!

Example: If you are registering 30 licenses of Master Converter, the price will be ($15 × 1) + ($11 × 18) + ($9 × 11) = $312. The price is not ($9 × 30)!

  TurboLaunch Master Converter Service Record
First License $20 $15 $20
Licenses 2 through 19 $16 each $11 each $16 each
Licenses 20 through 49 $13 each $9 each $13 each
Licenses 50 through 99 $10 each $7 each $10 each
License 100 and beyond $7 each $5 each $7 each
Copyright © 2025 by Savard Software of Tri-Cities, Washington, USA
This page was last modified 10/13/2015 9:58:12 PM